Kumpil (കുമ്പിൾ)

Details :

General description(Size, commonly seen , status of availability etc.)

It is a rapidly growing deciduous tree that naturally grows up to 1500 metres in elevation over the majority of India. While the tree is essentially leafless from February through April, when the flowers bloom, the fruiting season begins in May and lasts until June. At the ends of the branches, there are clusters of flowers with narrow branches.   


Medicinal properties

Gmelinaarberea's root and bark have stomachic, galactagogues, laxative, and anthelmintic properties improve appetite and are helpful for piles, stomach aches, burning sensations, fevers, and urine discharge. The leaf's portion is used to treat headaches, and the juice is applied to ulcers as a wash. Flowers are cold, astringent, bitter, pungent, and sweet. They are helpful for blood disorders and leprosy. It is also excellent for promoting hair development. Internal administration of  root and bark decoction is used to treat snake bite.