Butter Fruit (വെണ്ണപ്പഴം)

Details :

General description(Size, commonly seen , status of availability etc.)

Persea americana, also known as the alligator pear (Avocado), is an evergreen tree.  Generally seen in the highlands of south-central Mexico and Guatemala, its growth range extends from Mexico to Costa Rica. Avocado trees grow 9–20 m tall with alternately arranged leaves and numerous small, greenish-yellow flowers. Its fruit is a large, single-seeded berry, typically pear-shaped, and weighs 100–1,000 g.  

Medicinal properties

Avocados are highly nutritious, providing a rich source of vitamins B, K, C, E, and potassium and other nutrients. Studies suggest that consuming two servings of avocado per week can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.The leaves of the avocado tree, particularly from the Mexican variety, are used as a spice in various cuisines, adding a flavor reminiscent of anise to bean dishes. Seed is used to treat diarrhea, skin rashes, dysentery and hypertension.