Dr. Manoj G.
Scientist 'E'
Phone : 9745221704 (Mob)

Ph.D (Genetics), Osmania University, 2010

MSc Biotechnology, Bharathidasan University, 2005

BSc Biotechnology, Kerala University, 2002

Scientist E, Biomedical Technology Wing, SCTIMST, Jan-22 to Till date

Scientist-D, Biomedical Technology Wing, SCTIMST, Aug 2018 to Jan-2022

Scientist E-2, Corporate Research and Development Centre (CRDC), HLL Lifecare Ltd, Aug 2016- Aug 2018

Scientist E-1, Corporate Research and Development Centre (CRDC), HLL Lifecare Ltd, Mar 2012 to Aug 2016

Assistant Professor, Aurora?s Technological & Research Academy, Hyderabad, Aug 2010 to Feb 2011

Received gold medal award from HLL Lifecare Limited for "Outstanding contribution to the innovation and R&D efforts" at CRDC, HLL in Aug, 2014

Best Paper award in 49th conference of Indian Society of Gastroenterology ISGCON& APDW), New-Delhi, 2008. "Rapid Molecular Assay for the diagnosis of Clarithromycin resistant H. pylori directly from human gastric biopsies-- An approach to design antibiotic regimen.

Presidential poster/Paper award in 47th conference of Indian Society of Gastroenterology (ISGCON), Mumbai, 2006. "A Simple and Novel Multiplex PCR assay for diagnosing and genotyping H. pylori infection from human gastric biopsies".

Mutational screening, Genome Analysis, Assay development, Biomarker studies

Quality by design (QbD) and development of In-vitro diagnostic devices (IVDs) such as Immunochromatographic, ELISA and other point of care devices etc.

Benchside to bedside evaluations of laboratory developed prototypes of medical device & IVDs as per standard guidelines

Pilot productions, plant trials & Technology transfer of In-vitro diagnostic devices and medical devices (IVDs).

M/s. Vinvish Technologies PVT. Ltd, Trivandrum, India

M/s. VST ioT Solutions, Kochi, India

Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, Trivandrum, India

M/s. Biogeniex Inc. In, Lucknow, India

M/s. Origin Diagnostics and Research Centre, Kerala, India

M/s. HLL Lifecare Limited, Trivandrum, India, kerala

PhD supervisor, Teaching and Program Coordinator for SROP and PhD Curriculum Activities

Involved in the development and clinical validations of In-vitro diagnostic devices & medical devices

A kit for the rapid detection of COVID-19 IgG/IgM antibodies using Immunochromatographic techniques (Filed)

A rapid detection test kit for Chlamydia trachomatis and the process thereof (Filed)

A test kit for the determination of PCT and the process thereof (Filed)

Received Fast Track proposal for young scientists from DST, India in 2012

Society for Biomaterials and Artificial Organs, India (SBAOI)

Material Research Society of India (MRSI)

NT-proBNP Quantitative kit for Heart failure

Rapid test kit (Immunochromatographic based)- Chlamydia Antigen Diagnosis

Rapid test kit (Immunochromatographic based)- Sepsis Diagnosis

Testing and benchmarking studies of Medical devices & IVD (Industry funded)

Department Coordinator

PhD Course Co-Ordinator

Division of Artificial Internal Organs

Rapid test kit IgG/IgM SARS CoV-2


Jagan A, Ozhiparambil; Manoj, G; Jayaprakash, Natamai; Ramesh, M Nair; Sara Chandy, Molecular Diversity of Hepatitis B Virus X gene in central Kerala, Southern India, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 2018, DC10-14, https://www.jcdr.net/article_abstract.asp?issn=0973-709x&year=2018&month=June&volume=12&issue=6&page=DC10-DC14&id=11572
Manoj, G; Amrutha, C; Rajmohan, G; Sunil Bhasker; Rajeev, A; Abi Santhosh Aprem, A Feedback Survey On the Clinical Performance and Acceptability of a Long-Term Levonorgestrel Releasing Intrauterine System (EMILY), International Journal of Scientific Reports, 2018, 4(7):186-191, http://www.sci-rep.com/index.php/scirep/article/view/444
Regidi, S; Ravindran, S; Vijayan, AL; Maya, V; Sreedharan, L; Varghese, J; Ramaswami, K; Manoj G, Effect of lyophilization on HRP-antibody conjugation: an enhanced antibody labeling technology, BMC Res Notes, 2018, 11(1):596, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30124170
Pillai, LS; Regidi, S; Varghese, SD; Ravindran, S; Maya, V; Varghese, J; Ramaswami, K; Gopimohan, R; Manoj, G, Nonhormonal selective estrogen receptor modulator 1-(2-[4-{(3R,4S)-7-Methoxy-2, 2-dimethyl-3-phenyl-chroman-4yl}phenoxy]ethyl)pyrrolidine hydrochloride (ormeloxifene hydrochloride) for the treatment of breast cancer, Drug Dev Res., 2018, 79(6):275-286, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30284735
Lakshmi, S; Sandra, S; Rahul, BS; Saikant, R; Vani Maya, Manoj, G; Padmaja, G; Remani, P, In-vitro and in-vivo studies of 5,7 dihydroxy flavones isolated from Alpinia galanga (L.) against human lung cancer and ascetic lymphoma, Med. Che. Res, 2018, 10.1007/s00044-018-2260-3, In press
Saikanth, R; Shilpa, Ravindran; Ashitha, Vijayan; Vani, Maya; S, Lakshmi; R, Kartik; Manoj, G, Resonse of letter to the editor on Procalcitonin: a promising diagnostic marker for sepsis and antibiotic therapy, Journal of intensive care, 2017, 5:58:00 AM, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29234495
Ashitha L. Vijayan; Vanimaya; Shilpa, Ravindran; R, Saikant; S, Lakshmi;R, Kartik; Manoj. G, Procalcitonin: a promising diagnostic marker for sepsis and antibiotic therapy, Journal of Intensive Care, 2017, 5:51:00 AM, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28794881
Anumol, Mathew; Sumitha, CK; Atul, PV; Seema, Oommen; Manoj, G, HBx Gene Mutations in Hepatitis B Virus and Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Gastroenterology Res., 2014, 7(1):1-4, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27785261
Sivaram, G; Tiwari, SK; Bardia, A; Manoj, G; Santhosh, B; Saikant, R; Aejaz, H; Vishnupriya, S; Khan, AA; Habibullah C., Association of genetic variants of mannan-binding (MBL) lectin-2 gene, MBL levels and function in ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, Innate Immun, 2011, 17(6):526-31, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21088049
Sri Krishna, V; Uday, Kiran M; Siva, Rama Prasad; Anusha, G; Mohana, Rao; Manoj, G., Homology modeling and ligand interaction of human trafficking protein particle complex subunit 3-like protein and its correlation with Alzheimer?s disease, Journal of medical and Allied Sciences, 2011, 1(1) 21-24, http://www.scopemed.org/?mno=210075