Dr. Bijulal S.
Phone : 91 9446590185

DM Cardiology( SCTIMST 2005)

MD Internal medicine( MG University 2002)

MBBS (University of Kerala1997)

Professor, Cardiology, SCTIMST 2018 onwards

Senior Consultant Cardiologist, KIMS Health Trivandrum ( 2023-2024)

Additional Professor, Cardiology, SCTIMST 2015-18

Associate Professor, Cardiology, SCTIMST, 2012-15

Senior Interventional Cardiologist, HMCC, Manjeri , 2014-2015( On leave from SCTIMST)

Assistant Professor, Cardiology,SCTIMST, 2008-2012

Senior Consultant Cardiologist, IGMH, Male' , Maldives , 2008- 2009 (On deputation from SCTIMST)

Adhoc Consultant, Cardiology, SCTIMST, 2007-2008

Commonwealth Fellowship in Cardiology ( Leeds teaching hospitals, UK ) 2012-2013

Fellowship in interventional cardiology, SCTIMST 2006

Honoured by the institute for performing the first TAVR in a Government institute in South India 2018

Structural heart intervention- Trans catheter valve replacement, Large vessel stenting, Para valvar leak closure

Complex coronary interventions - CTO , left main, rotablation , high risk coronary intervention, coronary imaging

Division of polymeric medical devices, BMT wing, SCTIMST

Division of artificial internal organs, BMT Wing, SCTIMST

Division of extracorporeal devices, BMT wing, SCTIMST

Biorad Medisys Pvt Ltd, Bangalore

Terumo India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi

Merill Life Scinces Pvt Ltd, Vapi, India

Clinical- Structural heart interventions ( TAVI), Complex coronary interventions, Out patient clinic, Intervention clinic, Ward rounds

Academic - Training interventional fellows and residents in intervention

Research- Collaborative research projects with BMT wing, Indian medical devices companies and multi-national medical devices companies

PATENT NO 489968. United states patent application number: 17253443 Filing date: 12/17/2020. Implantable atrial septal defect occlusion device with woven central section on left atrial flange. Sreedharan Sujesh , Jerard Jijo ,Vijayan Liji Geetha ,Sasidharan Bijulal.


United states patent application number: 17253443 Filing date: 12/17/2020. Implantable atrial septal defect occlusion device with woven central section on left atrial flange. Sreedharan Sujesh , Jerard Jijo ,Vijayan Liji Geetha ,Sasidharan Bijulal.

Design Application: Implantable atrial septal defect occlusion device with woven central section on left atrial flange. Design No: 300221, Date: 8 Dec 2017. Designers: : SUJESH S., JIJO JERARD, LIJI G.V., DR. BIJULAL S.

Commonwealth fellowship in Cardiology( Trans-catheter Aortic Valve Implantation), 2012-3013, Leeds General Infirmary, Leeds, UK

Member, Cardiological society of India

Member, Pediatric cardiac society of India

Member, Interventional Coronary council of Kerala

Member, Association of Physicians of India

Member, Indian Medical Association

GENESIS ll: A Clinical Evaluation of the HYDRA Self Expanding Transcatheter Aortic Valve. Funding agency- Vascular concepts Pvt Ltd, India.

A Prospective, multicentre, registry to evaluate the Clinical outcome of Encruso RAL-Everolimus Eluting Coronary Stent System in real world percutaneous coronary revascularization in Indian Population. (SUCCESSOR Registry Study).Funding agency- Nano therapeutics, Surat, Gujarat

Novel technique of developing trans-catheter heart valve from human homograft for per-cutaneous pulmonary valve replacement. Principal Investigator. Funding agency- BIRAC, Govt of India

Development of a semi-automatic angiography system for facilitating coronary angiography and angioplasty. Co-PI- Technology development Fund, SCTIMST

Development of nitinol based occlusion device for non-surgical closure of the atrial septal defect. Principal Investigator. Funding agency- Technology development Fund, SCTIMST

MyVal 1- A prospective single-arm, multicentric, open-label study of the MyVal TAVR system in the treatment of severe symptomatic native aortic valve stenosis ?CoPI (Site). Funding agency- Merill Life Sciences Pvt Ltd

Prospective, Single-arm, Multi-center, Observational Registry to further Validate Safety and Efficacy of the Ultimate DES in Real-World Patients. Principal Investigator (site). Funding agency- Terumo India Ltd

Practical evaluation of FFR and its associated alternate indices during routine clinical procedures ? CoPI ( Site). Funding agency ?Abbott India Ltd

Association between gender, process of care measures, and outcomes in ACS in India: results from the detection and management of coronary heart disease (DEMAT) registry. - Principal investigator (Site).

Magnitude of ventricular unloading in single ventricle of left ventricular morphology following Bi- directional Glenn or Fontan operation ?A 3D Echocardio graphic study, Principal investigator.

Co-ordinate and perform TAVI in the institute for the last 7 years. The institute is one of the leading center in Kerala for this procedure . Was the site co-ordinator for the first in man study using Indigenously developed MyVal TAVR system from Meill life sciences. Performs 10-15 TAVI each year. Performs complex coronary interventions in the institute which have changed the outcome in many patients.

Early and late outcomes after Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation

Long term outcomes of percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with previous coronary artery bypass graft surgery

Clinical profile and outcomes of cardiomyopathy in children

Each year train one or two fellow in all aspects of coronary intervention

Initiated and established TAVI in the institute

Initiated percutaneous pulmonary valve replacement in the institute

Initiated and established ductal stenting in the institute

Initiated fetal echocardiography in the institute

Established large vessel stenting in the department

National board of examinations- Site inspector

National board of examinations- Thesis assessor

Structural heart disease intervention team

Coronary intervention team

Creating trans catheter heart valve in the cathlab - Indialive 2023, Chennai 16.3.2023

Semiautomatic way of doing coronary angiography, India live 2024. New Delhi . 1.3.2024

Acute stent thrombosis- OCT into the ACT. Bhagwati Pant, Walse, Bijulal Sasidharan. SCIP India 6th annual national conference. Thiruvananthapuram 29-30 Oct 2022

Acute severe MR during TAVR. Bhagwati Pant, Walse, Bijulal Sasidharan. NIC mid term meet Ahmedabad 17-19 June 2022

Acute coronary occlusion during TAVR- Bailout strategy .Bhagwati Pant, Walse, Bijulal Sasidharan. TCT 2022. Boston, USA Sept 2022 ( Virtual case presentation )

Acute mitral regurgitation during TAVR. What is the mechanism? Bhagwati Pant, Walse, Bijulal Sasidharan ACC Middle east, Dubai 6-8 Oct 2022

Surgically denied calcified left main stenosis. Can PCI save the day ? Rohit Walse, Bhagwati Pant, Bijulal Sasidharan. SCIP India 6th annual national conference. Thiruvananthapuram 29-30 Oct 2022

Device embolization during TAVR : Expect the unexpected. Rohit Walse, Bhagwati Pant, Bijulal Sasidharan India Valves Goa 11 Sept 2022

CHIP PCI without hemodynamic support- A real world scenario. Rohit Walse, Bhagwati Pant, Bijulal Sasidharan .NIC mid term interventional meet. Ahmedabad 17-19 June 2022

"Perfection is the enemy of good: A bail out TAVR in TAVR". Rohit Walse, Bhagwati Pant, Bijulal Sasidharan. Asian Pacific society of intervention al cardiology AICT Singapore Oct 6-8 2022

Trans catheter pulmonary valve replacement- London valve 2018

How to do TAVI. ICCK annual conference Sept 17, 2023, Trivandrum

TAVR with balloon Vs self expanding valves. Interventional cardiology council of Kerala 15.12.2024, Kochi

Tips and tricks of TAVR - Indian College of Cardiology Kerala Chapter on 24 August 2024 , Kochi.

How to plan and do a successful TAVR in bicuspid aortic valve .The Indian Society of Cardiology, Annual conference. 19.10.2024, Aleppey

Echo for TAVR- Pre, intra and post procedure - Indian association of echocardiography Kerala chapter 23.2.2025. Kochi

Management of paravalvar leak - Advanced cardiovascular therapeutics- Delhi April2, 2023

TAVI- Case in box, All about self expanding valves- ICCK Focussed meeting, Feb 18, 2023, Kochi

TAVI in bicuspid anatomy- Indian college of Cardiology .National conference . Nov 12, 2022. Trivandrum

TAVI- Steps Sept 3, 2022, ICCK Annual meet. Kozhikode. Kerala

Echocardiography in TAVI - IAE Kerala chapter meet. March 26, 2022

TAVI in Bicuspid anatomy- 31.7.2021. Amrita Institute online symposium

How to optimize TAVI with supra-annular valve ? TAVI Master class 17.7.21 (online meeting)

Practical aspects of TAVI in bicuspids ?TAVI Master class ( online meeting) Feb 21, 2021

1. Bijulal S. Yoga, Meditation and Healthy Heart, Principles and Evidence. ln Cardiovascular Diseases: Nutritional and Therapeutic interventions. Ed by Maulik N.561-576' CRC press 2013.

Atrial septal occluder technology transferred to Bioradmedisys Pvt Ltd


Rohit Sunil Walse, Bhagwati Pant, Arun Gopalakrishnan, Bijulal Sasidharan, Acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction with Guillain-Barre syndrome in Fontan circulation, Annals of Pediatric Cardiology, 2023,
Mani A, Ojha V, Sivadasanpillai H, Sasidharan B, Ganapathi S, Valaparambil AK., Culprit Lesion Morphology on Optical Coherence Tomography in ST-elevation Myocardial Infarction vs Non ST-elevation Myocardial Infarction - A Systematic Review of 7526 Patients, J Saudi Heart Assoc, 2023,
Anil Kumar Boddu, Bijulal S, Krishnamoorthy Km, Ajit Kumar Vk, Long-term outcomes of percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with prior coronary artery bypass graft - A retrospective experience, Indian Heart Journal, 2024,
Mohamed Iliyas, Sreevilasam Abhilash, Sasidharan Bijulal, Acute-onset palpitation and presyncope in a young male, Heart, 2024,
Ankur Agarwal , Bijulal Sasidharan , Ajitkumar Valaparambil, Early and late outcomes after transcatheter aortic valve implantation in Indian subpopulation, Indian Heart Journal, 2022, , 10.1016/j.ihj.2022.09.002
Kawoos GM, Nair KKM, Sasidharan B, Valaparambil AK., Valvular and supravalvular aortic stenosis fifteen years after coronary artery bypass grafting in a patient with familial hypercholesterolaemia., Acta Cardiol., 2022,
Deepanjan Bhattacharya, Kurup K.N. Harikrishnan, Bijulal Sasidharan, V.K. Ajitkumar, Recurrent thrombosis in a lady: Is there a missed connection?, Indian Heart J. , 2021,
Walad S, Harikrishnan KN, Gopalakrishnan A, Sivasubramonian S, Sasidharan B., Technical considerations of coarctation stenting in double-barreled aorta - A persistent fifth arch mimic., Ann Pediatr Cardiol., 2021,
Kartik SV, Sasidharan B, Gopalakrishnan A, Kurup HKN, Krishnamoorthy KM, Sasikumar D, Thulaseedharan JV, Valaparambil A, Tharakan J, Sivasubramonian S., A Comparative Study of Invasive Modalities for Evaluation of Pulmonary Arteriovenous Fistula after Bidirectional Glenn Shunt., Pediatr Cardiol., 2021,
Sivakumar K, Sagar P, Qureshi S, Promphan W, Sasidharan B, Awasthy N, Kappanayil M, Suresh PV, Koneti NR., Outcomes of Venus P-valve for dysfunctional right ventricular outflow tracts from Indian Venus P-valve database., Ann Pediatr Cardiol, 2021,