
1. What are the types of treatment offered in your hospital?
Treatment is offered to all types of cardiovascular diseases and neurological diseases.
2. What are the facilities available?
CT Scan, MRI, Laser Therapy and all radiological interventional procedures.
3. Is your organization recognized for reimbursement?
Yes, it is recognized for reimbursement of hospital expenses of state and central government employees and their dependents for cardiology and neurology ailments.
4. How do you register a new patient?
Patient must send a referral letter from a registered medical practitioner of Modern Medicine for registration and examination. An appointment letter will be issued from our medical records department.
5. Will you see a case without referral letter?
If the patient needs emergency attention, consultant is empowered to see the patient without the referral letter.
6. Do you have casualty service?
No casualty Service, but our old patients will be attended 24 hours, as emergency, even without appointment.
7. What would be the expenditure for a heart check up?
Rs. 600/- may be required for X-ray, ECG and Echo.
8. What is the waiting period for an open-heart surgery and how much would it cost?
Valve replacement surgery
1 - Year
3 - Months
Congenital Heart Disease
1 - Year
Complex surgery
3 - Months

9. What are the income certificates accepted?
The income groups are decided by our Medico- Social Worker after an interview. Income certificates are not accepted but are viewed for consideration.
10. What is the charge for filling the insurance certificate?
A charge of Rs. 500 is levied for filling up an insurance certificate.
11. What are the consents taken in your institution?
General Consent, Informed Consent and Autopsy Consent.
12. What is your medical record retention period?
Charts are kept active for ten years. Then, after pruning the chart, they are kept inactive for five years.
13. What is a Hospital Number?
It is a permanent number allotted to patients for all their future events.
14. Do you release any information about a patient to a third party?
No. Medical Records in hospitals are fully confidential.
15. What are the records given to a patient after discharge from OPD and wards?
Discharge Summary
Identification Card
Next Review Card
Next Review Card
X-ray, CT, MRI, CD

16. Will you give photocopy of the medical records?
Photocopies of the medical records are given to courts when they are summoned.
17. What is your OPD time?
Except on holidays, 8 AM-11 AM for new registration of patients.
18. Who prepares the Essentiality Certificate?
Essentiality Certificates are prepared at the Medical Superintendents Office.
19. What is the visiting time in the hospital?
4 PM-6 PM. Passes are provided for two visitors for each patient.
20. Do you allow bystanders in the ward?
No. But on the day of procedures two relatives are permitted to sit near the lab.
21. Do you have lodging facility in your premises?
We don't have lodging facility in our premises.
22. How far away is the hospital from Trivandrum Railway Station or Bus Stand?
7 KM.