Drug Safety in Anaesthesia at Gokulam Anaesthesia Conference, GANCON 2022 conducted by the Department of Anaesthesia, Sree Gokulam Medical College, Trivandrum on 3rd July 2022
Faculty for Workshop on Thoracic Anaesthesia during the 25th Annual Conference of the Indian Association of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anaesthesiologists on 25th March 2021 at Madurai.
Narrow and broad complex arrythmias and their management at the 45th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists, Kerala State branch on 11th December 2021
Faculty chairperson for E-paper presentation during the 68th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists organised by ISA Ahmedabad city branch between 25-28 November 2021
Perioperative management of patients with diastolic dysfunction at the ISA Online Seminars at 27th September 2021
Electrocardiographic Diagnosis of Myocardial Infarction during the ?PG Update? conducted by the Kerala State Branch of the Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists on 29 May 2021
Live demonstration of ultrasound guided internal jugular and subclavian vein cannulation at the Live Regional Anaesthesia Symposium conducted by the Trivandrum City Branch of Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists on 23rd May 2021
Weaning from Mechanical Ventilation at the Nurses Conclave conducted the Nursing fraternity of SCTIMST on 7th April 2021
ECG Analysis part-1 at the PG Update Webinar conducted by the Kerala Chapter of Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists on 31st March 2021
Non-invasive ventilation in the post-operative ICU at PG Quest and midterm CME, ISAMIDKON 2021 on 21 March hosted by the Kochi branch of Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists on 21st March 2021
Risk Assessment and anaesthesia management in children with congenital heart disease undergoing non-cardiac surgery at a Webinar conducted by the Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists, Kerala Chapter on 8th July 2020
Microcirculation as endpoint for resuscitation at the ISAMIDKON 2020, a PG Quest & Midterm CME conducted by the Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists at Kozhikode on 1st of March 2020
Moderator for Valve Assessment, Repair and Postoperative Transesophageal Echocardiography at the 5th Amrita Heart Conclave on 14th December 2019
Lung Atelectasis-How to manage and Measure in the Obese at the 67th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists at Bangalore on 28th November 2019
Panelist on Ventilatory Management after Congenital Heart Disease at the Perioperative Management of Congenital Heart Disease at Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences on 8th June 2019
Demonstration of Ultrasound Guided Central Venous Access at the Neuro and Cardiothoracic Anesthesia Problem Based Learning Discussion and Workshop, NICE 2019 help at SCTIMST on 28th April 2019
Anaesthesia for Paediatric Interventional Cardiology Procedures at the NIZVAS 2019 Anaesthesia Update conducted by the Department of Anaesthesiology, Government Medical College, Trivandrum on 10th February 2019
Monitoring Depth of Anaesthesia: How important is it? The 42nd Annual Conference of Kerala Chapter of Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists held at Kottayam on 13th October 2018
Mediastinal mass excision-Challenges? Presented at the Update on Thoracic Anaesthesia at MVR Anesthesia CME 2018 on 15th July 2018
Management of difficult airway: fibreoptic bronchoscope at the IMPACT VISTA 2018, A Vision to Airway conducted at RCC Trivandrum on 20th January 2018
Chaired a session on Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy: Perioperative care and TEE evaluation at the 4th Amrita Heart Conclave 2018, a workshop on Aortic Root Surgery on 18th November 2018 at the Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences
Perioperative safety in cardiovascular surgery: What are 6 Cs what is their role? (Communication, Coordination, Cooperation, Cognition, Coaching, Conflict resolution) at the 66th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists on 29th November 2018 at Jaypee Palace Hotel and Convention Centre, Agra
Transesophageal Echocardiography for non-cardiac surgery at the 41st Annual Conference of Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists, ISACON Kerala 2017 held at Calicut on 13th October 2017
Teaching transthoracic echocardiogram use in Critical Care at the Neuroanesthesia and Intensive Care Continuing Education, NICE at 27th September 2017
Risk assessment of Paediatric Cardiac Patient for Noncardiac surgery at Paediatric Anaesthesia Continuing Education, PACE on 19th March 2017
Keynote address: This day, that age. Celebrating the Ether Day at the Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists Trivandrum City branch on 16th October 2016
Role of Anaesthesia in Aortic Surgery at the Aortacon 2016 held on 29th May 2016 conducted by Sunrise Hospital
LV and RV function beyond Ejection Fraction. The Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine (ISCCM), Trivandrum City Branch on 30th April 2016
Panel Discussion. Anaesthetic Management of CAD patient coming for non-cardiac surgery. Amrita Anesthesiology Refresher Course (AARC) held at Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences on 18th October 2015
Investigation and Optimization of Patients with Coronary Artery Disease coming for Non-cardiac Surgery. Amrita Anesthesiology Refresher Course (AARC) held at Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences on 18th October 2015
Hemodynamic assessment: pressure gradients and volume status. Echo workshop on the 31st Annual South Zone Conference of the Indian Society of Anesthesiology (TRISZAC 2105) held at Trivandrum on 6th August 2015
Basics of Mechanical Ventilation. Nurses Conference held on June 13th 2015 at the AMCHSS auditorium of the SCTIMST
Case Discussions on cases done in Sree Chitra using Hybrid approach. Hybrid Training Program-Management of complex thoracic aneurysms by hybrid repair. Conducted Medtronic on 18th January 2015 at Mumbai
Anesthesia for the Endovascular Component of the Hybrid Arch Repairs. Hybrid Training Program-Management of complex thoracic aneurysms by hybrid repair. Conducted Medtronic on 17th January 2015 at Mumbai
Anesthesia for the Surgical Component of the Hybrid Arch Repairs. Hybrid Training Program-Management of complex thoracic aneurysms by hybrid repair. Conducted Medtronic on 17th January 2015 at Mumbai
Anesthesia Challenges in Post Cardiac Transplant patient. 38th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Anesthesiologists, Kerala Chapter, held at Kochi on 11th October 2014
Diastolic Dysfunction and its Anesthetic Implications. Cardiac Anesthesia Review (CAR 2014) held at Calicut on 28th September 2014
Panel Case Discussion: Valvular Heart Disease for Non-cardiac surgery. Amrita Anesthesiology Refresher Course held at Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences on 10th August 2014
Congenital Heart Disease for Non-cardiac surgery. Amrita Anesthesiology Refresher Course (ARC) held at Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences on 10th August 2014
Echo rounds. Interactive discussion. Perioperative Echocardiography CME and live workshop conducted by the Department of Anesthesia and Cardiothoracic surgery, Christian Medical College (CMC) Vellore on 12th July 2014
RV function. Perioperative Echocardiography CME and live workshop conducted by the Department of Anesthesia and Cardiothoracic surgery, Christian Medical College (CMC) Vellore on 12th July 2014
Diastolic function assessment and its perioperative application. Perioperative Echocardiography CME and live workshop conducted by the Department of Anesthesia and Cardiothoracic surgery, Christian Medical College (CMC), Vellore on 11th July 2014
Tricuspid valve assessment for repair. Perioperative Echocardiography CME and live workshop conducted by the Department of Anesthesia and Cardiothoracic surgery, Christian Medical College (CMC) Vellore on 11th July 2014
Panel Discussion of ?Ventilatory Management of ARDS?. ISAVENTCON 2014 conducted by the Indian Society of Anesthesiologists, Perinthalmanna City Branch on 25th May 2014
Ventilator waveforms. ISAVENTCON 2014, conducted by the Indian Society of Anesthesiologists, Perinthalmanna City Branch on 25th May 2014
Understanding Arterial Blood Gasses. Nurses Conference held on November 9th 2013 at the AMCHSS auditorium, SCTIMST
Panel Discussion on ?Stents and non-cardiac surgery: basics to advanced? 37th Annual Conference of the Indian Association of Anesthesiologists, Kerala Chapter held at Perinthalmanna on October 26th 2013
Anesthesia for Ischemic Heart Disease Patient coming for Non-cardiac surgery. Inspire CME held by the Indian Society of Anesthesiology, Trivandrum City Branch on 18th July 2013
LV function. Perioperative Echo Workshop conducted by the Department of Anesthesiology, Christian Medical College Vellore on 1st June 2013
Discussion and Live interaction using interesting Echo loops. Perioperative Echo Workshop conducted by the Department of Anesthesiology, Christian Medical College Vellore on 31st May 2013
Transesophageal echocardiography for Mitral Valve Repair. Perioperative Echo Workshop conducted by the Department of Anesthesiology, Christian Medical College, Vellore on 31st May 2013
Pediatric Transesophageal Echocardiography-interesting cases. Perioperative Echo Workshop conducted by the Department of Anesthesiology, Christian Medical College, Vellore on 31st May 2013
Chairman of Panel Discussion on Anesthesia for Thoracic Surgery. Midterm CME on April 7th 2013 at Kumarokom, Kerala
Current trends in management of postoperative pulmonary hypertension after congenital heart surgery. 16th National Conference of Indian Association of Cardiovascular Thoracic Anesthesiologists (IACTA) held at Kochi between 14-17th February 2013
Quiz program for Post Graduate Students at the 36th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Anesthesiologists (ISACON KERALA 2012), Kerala Chapter held at the Kasargod, Kerala on 13th October 2012
Anesthetic Implications of Diastolic Dysfunction. Indian Society of Anesthesiologists, Calicut City Branch held at Calicut on February 28th 2012
Post-operative Transesophageal echocardiographic assessment of Tetralogy of Fallot-the ?views? that must be taken at the 15th National Conference of the Indian Association of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Anesthesiologists (IACTA) held on 10-12 February 2012 at New Delhi
Non-Invasive Ventilation. CME on Ventilation at Cochin (CVC 2012), An Update on Mechanical Ventilation held at Kochi on 15th January 2012
Panel Discussion on ?Patient with CAD and drug eluting stent for TUR surgery?. Research Society of Anesthesiology and Clinical Pharmacology (RSACP) National Conference held at Kochi on 13th November 2011
Conducted the Quiz program for the postgraduates. 35th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Anesthesiologists, Kerala State Branch held at Kollam on 8th October 2011
Airway Gadget in Anesthesiologists Armamentarium. 35th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Anesthesiologists, Kerala State Branch held at Kollam on October 8th 2011
Panel discussion on Anesthesia for patients with concurrent cardiac illness. Anesthesiology CME (ACT2011) held by the Indian Society of Anesthesiologists, Thrissur City Branch on June 19th 2011
Cardiac Cath Lab-Role of Anesthesiologists. Anesthesiology CME (ACT2011) held by the Indian Society of Anesthesiologists, Thrissur City Branch at Thrissur on June 19th 2011 29.
Anesthetic considerations for diastolic dysfunction on July 24th 2010 at the Tamil Nadu State ISA conference (KANISACON) held at Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu.
Occupational hazards to the anesthesiologists- a panel discussion on May 30th 2010 organized by the Cochin Anesthesia Research Society (CARS) at Kochi, Kerala State.
Concurrent drugs of importance to the Anaesthesiologists on May 30th 2010 organized by the Cochin Anesthesia Research Society (CARS) at Kochi, Kerala State.
Entrusted with conducting a quiz program for postgraduate trainees at the 33rd Kerala. State Chapter ISA Annual Conference held at Kochi on 17-18 October 2009
Interpretation of arterial blood gases on October 4th 2009 at the Practically Extended Education Program (PEEP), a CME on critical care, held at Madurai, Tamil Nadu State.
Conducted a quiz program for postgraduate trainees at the 33rd Kerala State Chapter ISA Annual Conference held at Kochi on 17-18 October 2009
Arterial Blood Gas Interpretation on August 8th 2009 for Kerala Clinical Perfusionists Association at Trivandrum.
Weaning from mechanical ventilation on March 21, 2009 at the Kollam City Branch of the Indian Society of Anesthesiologists.
Basic Life Support on 31st August 2008 at the All Kerala Anesthesia Technicians First Academic Meet 2008 held at Pushpagiri Heart Institute, Tiruvalla, Kerala.
Importance of history taking and communication on April 6th 2008 at the PGQUEST & ISA-WFSA-CME, an examination oriented updating session in Anesthesiology, held at the SCTIMST, Trivandrum, Kerala State
Arterial blood gases before, during and after mechanical ventilation on 8th July 2007 at the Respiratory Care Update held at SCTIMST Trivandrum
Anaesthetic implications of surgery for aberrant left subclavian artery at the 10th annual conference Indian Association of Cardiovascular Thoracic Anaesthesiologists held at PGIMER, Chandigarh held on23-25th February 2007
Demonstration of basic modes of ventilation during the 13th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine was held in February 3rd 2007 in the city of Kochi, Kerala.
Ventilator strategies in ARDS held on 26th November 2006 at the ?Critikare? a CME on critical care, held at Medical College, Kottayam, Kerala State.
Neuromuscular monitoring on 2nd July 2006 at the Interactive Symposium on Clincal Monitoring held at SCTIMST, Trivandrum, Kerala
Basics of ventilation at the Perinthalmanna city branch meeting of the Kerala State of the Indian Society of Anesthesiologists on March 2006
Brachiocephalic artery to innominate vein fistula: anesthesiologist or surgeon induced? at the 9th IACTA conference held on February 23-25, 2006 at Pune, Maharashtra
Faculty for demonstration of fiberoptic intubation at the 21st South zone conference of Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists, August 2005 held at Trivandrum
Zero Bispectral index during neurovascular embolizatio? at the 6th Annual Conference of India Society of Neuroanesthesiology and Critical Care (ISNACC) held on February 26-27, 2005 at Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh.
Reversal of paraplegia after failed thoracoabdominal aneurysm repair by apparently failed cerebrospinal fluid drainage at the 8th Annual Conference of the Indian Association of Cardiovascular Thoracic Anaesthesiologists (IACTA) held at Jaipur, February 2005
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in a post-neurosurgical patient managed with inverse ratio ventilation and open lung concept at the 5th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Neuroanesthesiology and Critical Care (ISNACC) held on 6-8 February 2004 at NIMHANS, Bangalore
Pressure Controlled Ventilation in ARDS on September 1, 2002 at the International Trauma Anaesthesia and Critical Care Society (ITACCS), Indian Chapter, held at Kochi, Kerala state
Unsuspected cold agglutinins during moderate hypothermic CPB held on November 2-4th 2001 at the 5th Annual Conference of the Indian Association of Cardiovascular Thoracic Anaesthesiologists, Bangalore, Karnataka
Demonstration of newer modes of ventilation at Anesthesia Update Cochin May 12-13, 2001 at the Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi