Dr. Neethu Mohan
Scientist 'E' & HOD-in-charge
Phone : 04712524505

PhD, SCTIMST Trivandrum India, (2008)

MSc Biochemistry, University of Kerala, Trivandrum, India (2002)

BSc Biochemistry, University of Kerala, Trivandrum, India (2000)

Scientist E, Division of Cellular & Molecular Cardiology, Department of Pathology, SCTIMST 2021-present

Scientist D, Division of Cellular & Molecular Cardiology, SCTIMST 2017-2021

PI SERB, DST; Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences &Technology, Trivandrum, India, 2015-2017

Scientist D Adhoc; Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences &Technology, Trivandrum, India; 2015

Chitra High Value Fellow D; Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences &Technology, Trivandrum, India ; 2012-2015

Assistant Research Professor; University of Kansas, USA; 2011-2012

Postdoctoral Fellow; University of Kansas, USA ; 2009-2011

Short term visit as part of Indo-US project, Georgia Tech, Atlanta

Research Associate; Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences & Technology, Trivandrum, India; 2008-2009

2013-2017 Member of editorial board of journal Tissue engineering

2015-Young Investigator Council mentor, TERMIS Global

2009 completed "Young scientist refereeing programme" of Journal "Biomaterials"

2012 Outstanding Fellow Short Talk Award, BMES-SPRBM Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA

2012 Travel award from BMES, BMES-SPRBM Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA

2011 Outstanding Lab Leadership Award, Biomaterials & Tissue engineering Lab, University of Kansas, USA

2008 Student travel award from World Biomaterial Congress for oral presentation at 8th World Biomaterial Congress, Amsterdam, Netherlands

2005 Bajpai Saha student award for best paper by Society for Biomaterials & Artificial Organs, India. National conference on biomaterials and artificial organs, IIT Mumbai, India

2005; Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fellowship for doctoral studiesHost Institute: Institute of Frontier Medical Sciences, University of Kyoto, Japan

Identify how progenitor cell functions are compromised during the cardiac repair process

Role of Connexins in cardiac remodelling and fibrosis

Expand the knowledge on cardiac fibrosis and cardiac stem cells through cardiac injury model

Signals/Receptors that activate cardiac fibroblasts during cardiac remodelling post myocardial injury

Extracellular matrix and microenvironment that modlate cardiac stem cells and cardiac fibroblast activity during cardiac remodelling

Cardiotoxicity and molecular mechanisms

Probing the progenitor cell status in CVD Patients, Collaboration with Dr. Vivek Pillai, Department of Cardiac Surgery, SCTIMST

Animal models of myocardial Infarction, Collaboration with Dr. Sachin J Shenoy, Division of In-vivo Models & Testing, Biomedical Technology Wing, SCTIMST

Cardiotoxicity on anti-cancer drugs, Collaboration with Dr. Renu Mohan, Department of Biotechnology, University of Kerala, India

Hydrogels for Cartilage Repair Process, Collaboration with Dr. Lynda V Thomas, DTERT, Biomedical Technology Wing, SCTIMST

Detamore MS, Gupta V, Mohan N, Berkland CJ, "Biomaterials with microsphere gradients and core and shell microspheres," US20140200678A1, 2014 (United States patent Application-published)

Michael Detamore,Cory Berkland,Neethu Mohan, Vineet Gupta, Peter Mchugh, Stefan Lohfeld. Scaffolding biomaterials based on polymer-coated high-stiffness particles, WO2013116736A1, 2013 (International patent Application-published)

Lynda V Thomas, Rahul VG, Jijo Wilson, Neethu Mohan. Flocked swabs and a process for the manufacture thereof. 202041020378, Indian patent application Filed14-05-2020.

Mohan N, Nair Prabha D, "Biomimetic nanofiber assembled hydrogel as hybrid scaffolds for engineering of complex tissues and interfaces and the process there of" filed 2013, Indian Patent Application # 5049/CHE/2013

Nair BP, Nair PD, Mohan N. Polymer-siloxane hybrid scaffold for tissue engineering applications and process thereof" filed 2013, Indian Patent Application 1639/CHE/2013

2012-2015; Chitra High Value Fellowship, Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences & Technology, India

2005; Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fellowship for doctoral studiesHost Institute: Institute of Frontier Medical Sciences, University of Kyoto, Japan

2003-2008; Institute fellowship for Ph.D., Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Science & Technology, India

Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences (IACS-India) (Life member)

Biomedical Engineering Society, BMES (2013)

Society for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine India (STERMI) Founding Life member, (2007-present)

Tissue engineering & Regenerative medicine International Society, TERMIS (2011-2014)

Orthopedic Research Society, ORS (2011-2015)

Regulation of Progenitor Cell function in the Heart funded by ICMR

Role of Connexins in cardiac fibroblast phenotypic transformation and extra cellular matrix synthesis in cardiac diseases Funded by ICMR, India

Project Title: In vitro osteoarthritic model to evaluate the regenerative capability of implants or engineered constructs Source of Support: SERB, DST, India (10/2013 - 01/2017)


Ms Indraja Devidasan (PhD student) Thesis Title: Mechanisms in Heart Failure

Ms. Sruthi Radhakrishnan (PhD student) Thesis Title: Molecular Regulation of Key Proteins in Cardiac Fibrosis

Ms. Aswany MG (PhD student) Thesis Title: Role of extracellular matrix in regulating cardiac fibroblast phenotype

Ms. Sarayu Gopal, Project Fellow, ICMR Project Title: Role of Connexins in cardiac fibroblast phenotypic transformation and extra cellular matrix synthesis in cardiac diseases

Ms. Sunitha Chandrababu, Technical Staff

Ms. Sasikala V, Unit Assistant Pathology

Radhakrishnan Sruthi and Mohan Neethu. Periostin mediated regulation of Lysyl Oxidase in cardiac fibroblasts: Implications in cardiac wall stiffening. Advances In Cardiovascular Medicine And Research (ACMR) 2023, Organized by IACS & ISHR held at PGIMER Chandigarh from 16-18th February 2023

Devidasan Indraja, Gopal Sarayu, Radhakrishnan Sruthi and Mohan Neethu. Role of Angiotensin II in determining the fate of c-kit+ cardiac cells in the injured myocardium. Advances In Cardiovascular Medicine And Research (ACMR) 2023, Organized by IACS & ISHR held at PGIMER Chandigarh from 16-18th February 2023

Neethu Mohan ?THERAPEUTIC TARGETS FOR CARDIAC FIBROSIS. Indo-US Seminar on Recent Approaches in Biochemical Research (RBAT-IX), Organized by the Department of Biochemistry, University of Kerala, India & University of Wisconsin, USA, held from February 1-3rd, 2023

Neethu Mohan, Ethics in Stem Cell Research at Defining Ethics & Welfare in Preclinical research DEW 2022, jointed organized by SCTIMST, CPCSEA, held at SCTIMST, 14-15th November 2022

Sruthi Radhakrishnan, Neethu Mohan. Discoidin Domain Receptor 2 (DDR2)-mediated regulation of Connexin43 in cardiac fibroblasts: Implications for conduction abnormalities in cardiac fibrosis at Heart Failure Conflux organized by Centre for Advanced Research and Excellence in Heart Failure (CARE-HF) SCTIMST, HFAI, ICMR & IACS, February 5-7, 2021

Devidasan Indraja, Gopal Sarayu, Radhakrishnan Sruthi and Mohan Neethu. Survival and fate of c-kit+ cardiac cells in the injured myocardium: Role of Angiotensin II. Heart Failure Conflux CARDIAC METABOLISM & METABOLIC THERAPY IN HEART FAILURE Organized by Centre for Advanced Research and Excellence in Heart Failure (CARE-HF) SCTIMST, ICMR & IACS on 4th and 5th, February 2023.


Sruthi Radhakrishnan, Sachin J. Shenoy, Indraja Devidasan, Binchu V. Shaji, Sarayu Gopal, Sreekanth Sreekumaran, Abhilash SP, Divya M. Sivaraman, Neethu Mohan, Periostin regulates lysyl oxidase through ERK1/2 MAPK-dependent serum response factor in activated cardiac fibroblasts, Cell Biochem Funct, 2024, Jun;42(4):e4066,, doi:10.1002/cbf.4066
Samandi G, Gupta V, Mohan N, McHugh P, Berkland C, Detamore M, Lohfeld S., Polymer-coated microparticle scaffolds engineered for potential use in musculoskeletal tissue regeneration, Biomed Mater, 2021, May 24;16(4):10.1088/1748-605X/abfdfd., doi: 10.1088/1748-605X/abfdfd.
Renu Mohan, Neethu Mohan, Dhanesh Vaikkath, Hyaluronic Acid Dictates Chondrocyte Morphology and Migration in Composite Gels, Tissue Engineering Part A, 2018, Oct;24(19-20):1481-1491., doi: 10.1089/ten.TEA.2017.0411
Neethu Mohan, P. V. Mohanan, Sabareeswaran A, Prabha Nair., Chitosan-Hyaluronic acid hydrogel for cartilage repair. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2017, Nov;104(Pt B):1936-1945., doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2017.03.142.
BanuPriya Sridharan, Neethu Mohan, Cory J. Berkland, Michael S. Detamore, Material Characterization of Microsphere-Based Scaffolds with Encapsulated Raw Materials, Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl, 2016, Jun;63:422-8. , doi: 10.1016/j.msec.2016.02.038.
Bindu P Nair, Dhanya Gangadharan, Neethu Mohan, Babitha Sumathi, Prabha D. Nair, Hybrid scaffold bearing polymer-siloxane Schiff base linkage for bone tissue engineering, Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl, 2015, 52:333-42., doi: 10.1016/j.msec.2015.03.040.
Vineet Gupta, Neethu Mohan and Michael S. Detamore., Microsphere-Based Scaffolds Carrying Opposing Gradients of Chondroitin Sulfate and Tricalcium Phosphate, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2015, Jul 1;3:96., doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2015.00096.
Neethu Mohan, Jijo Wilson, Dexy Joseph, Dhanesh Vaikkath and Prabha D Nair, Biomimetic fiber assembled gradient hydrogel to engineer glycosaminoglycan enriched and mineralized cartilage: An in vitro study, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 2015, Dec;103(12):3896-906. , doi: 10.1002/jbm.a.35506.
Neethu Mohan, Vineet Gupta, BanuPriya Sridharan, Adam J. Mellott, Jeremiah T. Easley, Ross H. Palmer, Richard A. Galbraith, Vincent H. Key, Cory J. Berkland, Michael S. Detamore, Microsphere based gradient implants for osteochondral regeneration: A long term study in sheep., Regenerative medicine, 2015, Dec;103(12):3896-906., doi: 10.1002/jbm.a.35506.
Neethu Mohan, Vineet Gupta, BanuPriya Sridharan, Amanda Sutherland, Michael S. Detamore, The potential of encapsulating raw materials in 3D osteochondral gradient scaffolds, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2014, Apr;111(4):829-41, doi: 10.1002/bit.25145.
  • Dr. Neethu Mohan