Dr. Geetha G.
Scientist 'G' (Senior Grade) & Head
Phone : 0471 - 2524607

Ph.D. in Bioinformatics, University of Kerala, 2014.

M.Tech , Computer Science, Central University, Hyderabad, 1988.

B. Tech , Electronics & Communication, University of Kerala, 1986.

System Analyst, National Informatics Centre, Planning Comission, New Delhi - 1988-1990.

Scientist C, 15.10.1990 to 15.10.1994

Scientist D, 16.10.1994 to 15.10.1998

Scientist E, 16.10.1998 to 15.10.2002

Scientist F, 16.10.2002 to 17.03.2010

Scientist G, 18.03.2010 to 31.12.2021

Primary user Government e-Marketplace (GeM) from 2020, National Public Procurement Portal

Scientist G (Senior Grade) from 01.01.2022 to till date

Deputy Chief Information Security Officer (DY CISO) of the Institute from 04.08.2022

Member Academic Committee from 01.01.2025

Recipient - Institute Award from Dr. M.S. Valiathan for outstanding contribution to computerization in 1994.

Recipient - Institute Award for twenty years of service.

Recipient - Institute Award for thirty years of service.

First rank in the selection list for B.Tech by the of Directrate of Technical Education Kerala (100% in PCM)

Gold medalist for securing Ist Rank in the SSLC Examination in Kottayam District.

Database Maintenance, Data Mining & Classification.

Activities related to the creation of awareness as a part of Cyber Jaagrookta as Deputy Chief Information Security Officer (DY CISO).

Management of total systems installed in a gigaspeed network of the Hospital Block of the Institute.

Development & Maintenance of Management Information Softwares in Oracle 11G.

Tender Processing ,Purchase , Training etc.

Member Board of Studies for Computational Biology and Informatics at University of Kerala upto 03.01.2023.

Member of Committee for e-Market Gem implementation and Primary user for GeM

Member of Committee for Electronic Medical Records implementation in OPD and IP.

Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), USA - Membership Number 01578277

Association For Computing Machinery (ACM), India, Membership Number 0214417

Project title - "Develop a value based e-delivery system for health care management and research", Funding from Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Govt. of India & SCTIMST. The main objective is to set up a robust IT infrastructure to implement e-delivery system for health care management and research for the benefit of patients, doctors, research community and outsiders. Project has a total outlay of Rs. 12,55,79,064 /- where MEITY share is Rs 8,94,93,974 /- and SCTIMST share is Rs 6,60,85,590 /-. The period of the project is 3 years from 02/01/2017.

Do it yourself software application for recording vitals of Heart Failure Patients from home.

Do it yourself software application for Cognitive Rehabilitation.

Completed a course on Big Data Management and Comprehensive Analysis conducted by CDAC Mohali.

Worked as, Chairman for the evaluation of answer scripts for Semister I & III MSc Bioinformatics Degree Examination January 2014, conducted by University of Kerala.

Work experience as System Analyst at National Informatics Centre Delhi, Planning Commission, Government of India

Training all newly joining Senior Residents, MPH students on Institute Software Usage every year ( 2 to 3 times)

Training Nursing and Paramedical staff on EMR usage every year (2 to 3 times)

Established Data Centre for SCTIMST in the campus.Built with energy efficient, modular cool racks in one room with central monitoring facility to ensure maximum uptime of critical applications. Data Centre includes Network Core Switch, Network Distribution switches, Gateway security appliances, Hyperconverged Servers, Storage, Application servers etc to support all departments/services

Portal for Institutional Ethics Committee and Scientific Research Commitee

Portal for Accommodation Management

LIS for Molecular and Genetic Lab.

Web-based software for entering Annual Immovable Property Return (AIPR)

Library Information System (Granthalaya)

Lab Information System (LIS) - Implemented Lab Information System by integrating online requests for tests with lab machines in the Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology, Radiology and Pathology.

Electronic Medical Records for all OPD and IP

Picture Archival and Communication System ( PACS) for viewing modality images of Radiology and Cardiology in all patient care areas

Online Patient Billing

Online Leave Management for all permanent / temporary staff and students.

Portal for Academic Admission / Recruitment

Portal for Students

Portal for Pensioners

Portal for Testing and Calibration Cell (Customer Service Cell)

Portal for Vendors and Blood Dosnors

Portal for Customer Service Cell and Industry Institute Partnership Cell

Kiosks for patient payment and lab results

MIS Dashboard

No Dues Management System

Cloud Storage, Open Project, Online Survey Tools, Online software (Statistical Packages, Office Packages and Scientific Programming Languages) access for all staff/students.

Digital repository (Dspace ) - Access to all class materials, publications, thesis, project reports and dissertations.

Office Automation for Accounts Department (Includes Billing, Salary, Pension, GPF, NPS, Income Tax, E-Payment etc)

Office Automation for Purchase, Pharmacy, Main Store, Staff/Student Accommodation management

SCTNet - Personal Information Software

Recruitment Processing, OMR Evaluation, Web sites,Biometric Attendance Processing System and Time Keeping etc.

Examinator - online portal for Question paper setting, Answer Sheet and Thesis Evaluation

Suresh Kumar B

Rejith L.R.

Saji K.S.

On invitation, delivered a talk on "The Value of Big Data" on 18/05/20212 from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM at Institute of Engineers Hall, Trivandrum for the combined chapter of IEEE Kerala, CSI Thiruvananthapuram, Aeronautical Society of India etc.

On invitation, delivered a talk on E-Delivery of Electronic Medical Record (EMR) for a Value based Healthcare on 18/08/2021 from 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM as VC for the IEEE Education Society Kerala Chapter jointly with EMBS Kerala Chapter.

On invitation, presented a paper Weka-An incredible data preparator tool for machine learning on 17/01/2020 at a Bioinformatiica Indica International Symposium on Machine Learning.

Delivered guest lecture on Digital Medical Services at SCTIMST - A case study at Government of Kerala e-health project training camp on 30/06/2016.

Composition, Transition and Distribution (CTD) a dynamic feature for predictions based on hierarchical structure of cellular sorting, G Govindan, AS Nair - 2011 Annual IEEE India Conference, 2011 Annual IEEE; 16-18 Dec.

New feature vector for apoptosis protein subcellular localization prediction, G Govindan, AS Nair, International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications, Volume 190. Edited by Abraham A. Kochi: Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2011:294???301

Bagging with CTD -A Novel Signature for the Hierarchical Prediction of Secreted Protein Trafficking in Eukaryotes G Govindan, AS Nair - Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics, Elsevier ,Volume 11, Issue 6, December 2013: 385-390.

Classification of proteins in intracellular and secretory pathway using global descriptors of amino acid sequence G Govindan, AS Nair - 2011 World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies 2011 World Congress vol., no., pp.160,164, 11-14 Dec. 2011

Govindan G, Nair A.S: Sequence Features and Subset Selection Technique for the Prediction of Protein Trafficking Phenomenon in Eukaryotic Non Membrane Proteins. Biomedical Data Mining 2015 3:109. doi: 10.4172/2090-4924.1000109

Weka - An incredible data preparatory tool for Machine Learning, G Govindan, Balakrishnan Suresh Kumar, Bioindica 2020, Conference on Machine Learning, 16th to 18th January 2020

Conducted evaluation of three numbers of M.Phil thesis and viva voce for University of Kerala at DCB on 24/08/2022.

Conducted evaluation of M.Phil thesis and viva voce by VC for University of Kerala on 29/06/2021.

Conducted evaluation of M.Phil thesis and viva voce for University of Kerala on 14/12/2018.

Conducted viva-voce evaluation for MPhil 2016 batch of University of Kerala on 20/12/2017.

Reviewed the Book titled "Stop Cyber Haemorrhage - A Comprehensive Guide to Preventing Data Bleeding and Protecting Lives in Healthcare" written by Sri. K.S Manoj and Sri G. Lenin.

Reviewed paper for IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. Paper - An extensive empirical comparison of probabilistic hierarchical classifiers in datasets of ageing related genes