Gopalakrishnan A, Sasidharan B, Menon S, Krishnamoorthy KM., Drug-eluting stent for acute Blalock-Taussig shunt thrombosis in a child-case report., Egypt Heart J., 2021,
Harikrishnan S, Muralidharan R, Mani A, Sanjay G, Prasad S, Bijulal S, Sivasankaran S, Valaparambil AK., Long term outcomes after bare metal stent implantation., Indian Heart J, 2021,
Nair KKM, Valaparambil A, Sasidharan B, Ganapathi S, Gopalakrishnan A, Namboodiri N, Sivadasanpillai H., Immediate, early and mid-term outcomes following balloon mitral valvotomy in patients having severe rheumatic mitral stenosis with significant tricuspid regurgitation., Indian J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2020,
Sukulal K, Mohanan Nair KK, Sasidharan B, Valaparambil A, Ganapathi S, Sivasubramanian S, Sivadasanpillai H., Implication of d-dimer in rheumatic severe mitral stenosis - A tertiary centre study., Indian Heart J., 2020,
Sasikumar D, Sasidharan B, Rashid A, Ayyappan A, Goplakrishnan A, Krishnamoorthy KM, Sivasubramonian S., Early and late outcome of covered and non-covered stents in the treatment of coarctation of aorta- A single centre experience., Indian Heart J., 2020,
Babu S, Molli K, Menon S, Gohain D, Sasidharan B, Koshy T., An Intraoperative Transesophageal Echocardiographic Artifact Mimicking a Tear in Left Ventricle Apex In a Case of Massive Pericardial Effusion., J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth., 2019,
Mohanan Nair KK, Valaparambil A, Sasidharan B, Ganapathi S, Gopalakrishnan A, Namboodiri N, Sivasubramanian S, Sivadasanpillai H., Immediate and late clinical outcomes of balloon mitral valvotomy based on immediate postballoon mitral valvotomy mitral valve area & percentage gain in mitral valve area-A tertiary centre study., Indian Heart J., 2018,
Sasikumar D, Menon S, Baruah SD, Dharan BS, Gohain D, Sasidharan B, Sivasankaran S., Anomalous Left Coronary Artery From Pulmonary Artery in a Baby With Pulmonary Atresia, Intact Ventricular Septum., Ann Thorac Surg., 2018,
Sasikumar D, Sasidharan B, Ayyappan A., Haemodynamic consequences following closure of an Abernethy malformation in a patient following a total cavopulmonary shunt., Cardiol Young., 2018,
Gopalakrishnan A, Sasidharan B, Tharakan J, Valaparambil A., Left atrial outflow obstruction in double-outlet right atrium., Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann., 2018,
Sivasubramonian S, Gopalakrishnan A, Sasidharan B, Valaparambil A., Role of Diastology in Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation., J Invasive Cardiol, 2018,
Sasikumar D, Sasidharan B, Ayyappan A, Gopalakrishnan A, Krishnamoorthy KM., Coronary-to-pulmonary artery collaterals in pulmonary atresia., Ann Pediatr Cardiol., 2018,
Prasad S, Harikrishnan S, Sanjay G, Abhilash SP, Bijulal S, Mohanan Nair KK, Tharakan J, Ajit Kumar VK., Clinical Outcomes of patients with coronary artery disease who underwent FFR evaluation of intermediate coronary lesionS- COFFRS study., Indian Heart J., 2017,
Bijulal S, Sasikumar D, Rashid A, Unexpected complication of uncovered aortic end in ductal stenting., Cardiol Y, 2017,
Sasikumar D, Sasidharan B, Dharan BS, Gopalakrishnan A, Krishnamoorthy KM, Sivasankaran S, Quantification of ventricular unloading by 3D echocardiography in single ventricle of left ventricular morphology following superior cavo-pulmonary anastomosis and Fontan completion - a feasibility study., Ann Pediatr Cardiol, 2017,
Sasikumar D, Sasidharan B, Dharan BS, Sivasankaran S, Krishnamoorthy KM., Imaging the elusive anomalous origin of left coronary artery from pulmonary artery., Echocardiography., 2017,
Gopalakrishnan A, Subramanian V, Sasidharan B, Sasikumar D, Krishnamoorthy KM, Dharan BS, Valaparambil A., A rare variant of intracardiac total anomalous pulmonary venous connection., Rev Port Cardiol., 2017,
Behera DR, Nair KKM, Sasidharan B., Ductal aneurysm with postsubclavian coarctation of aorta in an adult., Ann Pediatr Cardiol., 2017,
Gopalakrishnan A, Sasidharan B, Krishnamoorthy KM, Sivasubramonian S, Dharan BS, Mathew T, Titus T, Valaparambil A, Tharakan J., Left ventricular regression after balloon atrial septostomy in d-transposition of the great arteries., Eur J Cardiothorac Surg., 2016,
Gopalakrishnan A, Sasidharan B, Krishnamoorthy KM., Balloon Atrial Septostomy in Congenital Heart Disease., Circ J., 2016,
Krishnamoorthy KM, Bijulal S, Gopalakrishnan A., Severe aortic regurgitation during percutaneous closure of ventricular septal defect., Int J Cardiol, 2016,
Gopalakrishnan A, Sasidharan B, Krishnamoorthy KM, Sivasubramonian S, Dharan BS, Mathew T, Titus T, Valaparambil A, Tharakan J., Left ventricular regression after balloon atrial septostomy in d-transposition of the great arteries., Eur J Cardiothorac Surg, 2016,
Deepa Sasikumar, Bijulal Sasidharan, Sivasankaran Sivasubramanian, Demonstration of circular shunt in fetal Ebstein anomaly, Ann pediatr cardiol, 2015, 8(3)
Sasikumar D, Sasidharan B, Tharakan JA, Dharan BS, Mathew T, Karunakaran J, Early and 1-year outcome and predictors of adverse outcome following monocusp pulmonary valve reconstruction for patients with tetralogy of Fallot: A prospective observational study.,
Ann Pediatr Cardiol, 2014, 7(1),
Raghuram KA, Bijulal S, Krishnamoorthy KM, Tharakan JA, Regression of pulmonary vascular disease after therapy of Abernethy malformation in visceral heterotaxy,
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Deepa S, Bijulal S, Baiju DS, Thomas M, Septal course of left anterior descending artery from the right aortic sinus in tetralogy of Fallot: a benign anomaly and important lessons learned.,
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Kumar SM, Subramanian V, Bijulal S, Krishnamoorthy KM, Sivasankaran S, Tharakan JA, Percutaneous closure of a moderate to large tubular or elongated patent ductus arteriosus in children younger than 3 years: is the ADO II appropriate?,
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Kumar SM, Bijulal S, Sivasankaran S, Unusual association of aortic valve stenosis with ventricular septal defect and pulmonary atresia: Differentiation from truncus arteriosus with truncal valve stenosis,
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Sukulal K, Bijulal S, Tharakan JA, Differential diagnosis of vascular structures in relation to upper ascending aorta: The retro-aortic innominate vein.,
Ann Pediatr Cardio, 2013, 6(1):97-8,
Mahesh Kumar S, Venkateshwaran S, Sasidharan B, Krishnamoorthy KM, Sivasubramonian S, Tharakan JA., Real-time 3-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography-guided device closure of coronary arteriovenous fistula.,
J Am Coll Cardiol, 2013, 61(13),
Nair KK, Pillai HS, Titus T, Varaparambil A, Sivasankaran S, Krishnamoorthy KM, Namboodiri N,Sasidharan B, Thajudeen A, Ganapathy S, Tharakan J., Persistent pulmonary artery hypertension in patients undergoing balloon mitral valvotomy,
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Pagidipati NJ, Huffman MD, Jeemon P, Gupta R, Negi P, Jaison TM, Sharma S, Sinha N, Mohanan P, Muralidhara BG, Bijulal S, Sivasankaran S, Puri VK, Jose J, Reddy KS, Prabhakaran D, Association between gender, process of care measures, and outcomes in ACS in India: results from the detection and management of coronary heart disease (DEMAT) registry.,
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Sundaram PS, Narayan GS, Prabhu MA, Bijulal S, Sanjay G, Namboodiri KK, Kapilamoorthy TR, Tharakan JA, An unusual cause for unruptured sinus of valsalva aneurysm,
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Nair KK, Ganapathi S, Sasidharan B, Thajudeen A, Pillai HS, Tharakan J, Titus T, Kumaran AV, Sivasubramonian S, Krishnamoorthy KM., Asymptomatic right ventricular dysfunction in surgically repaired adult tetralogy of fallot patients.,
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Subramanian V, Kavassery MK, Sivasubramonian S, Sasidharan B, Percutaneous device closure of persistent ductus venosus presenting with hemoptysis.,
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Chaurasia AK, Harikrishnan S, Bijulal S, Krishnamoorthy KM, Sivasankaran S, Tharakan JA, Usefulness of Doppler derived end diastolic flow gradient across the patent ductus arteriosus in selecting coils for ductal occlusion,
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Nair KK, Pillai HS, Thajudeen A, Krishnamoorthy KM, Sivasubramonian S, Namboodiri N,Sasidharan B, Ganapathy S, Varaparambil A, Titus T, Tharakan J., Immediate and long-term results following balloon mitral valvotomy in patients with atrial fibrillation,
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Nair KK, Pillai HS, Thajudeen A, Tharakan J, Titus T, Valaparambil A, Sivasubramonian S, Mahadevan KK, Namboodiri N, Sasidharan B, Ganapathi S., Comparative study on safety, efficacy, and midterm results of balloon mitral valvotomy performed with triple lumen and double lumen mitral valvotomy catheters.,
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Harikrishnan S, Bijulal S, Krishnakumar N, Ajithkumar VK., Combined mitral and pulmonary valvotomy with Inoue balloon in rheumatic quadrivalvular disease.,
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Bijulal S, Krishnamoorthy KM, Sivasankaran S, Retroaortic coronary artery: possible contraindication for device closure of atrial septal defect.,
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Gupta SK, Sivasankaran S, Bijulal S, Tharakan JM, Harikrishnan S, Ajit K, Trans-catheter closure of atrial septal defect: Balloon sizing or no Balloon sizing - single centre experience,
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Sundaram PS, Bijulal S, Tharakan JA, Antony M, Kodamaea ohmeri tricuspid valve endocarditis with right ventricular inflow obstruction in a neonate with structurally normal heart., Ann Pediatr Cardiol, 2011, 4(1)
Book Chapter
Bijulal S., Yoga, Meditation and Healthy Heart, Principles and Evidence. CRC press 2013, ln Cardiovascular Diseases: Nutritional and Therapeutic interventions. Ed by Maulik N.561-576, 2013,
Case Report
Mondal S, Radhakrishnan J, Sasidharan B, Pillai VV, Mucoid vasculopathy complicated by multiple giant pseudoaneurysms following Bentall procedure, J Cardiovasc Imaging, 2024,
Mondy VC, Ayyappan A, Valakkada J, Bhattacharya D, Sasidharan B, Aorto-Left Ventricular Tunnel-An Uncommon Entity., Indian J Radiol Imaging, 2023,