Dr Akhilesh Gowda G B, Fellow resident- Skull base Neurosurgery, Department of Neurosurgery, SCTIMST has received the BEST PAPER (Video presentation) Award
MON, 24 - JUN - 2024




Dr Akhilesh Gowda G B, Fellow resident- Skull base Neurosurgery, Department of Neurosurgery, SCTIMST has received the BEST PAPER (Video presentation) Award at NSI-YNFCON PUNE 2024, for the work titled “ENDOSCOPIC TRANSPTERYGOID CORRIDOR FOR PETRO-CLIVAL CHONDROSARCOMA: VENTURING LATERALLY (not a mar de hoces!!)” at 3rd Annual Meeting Of The Young Neurosurgeon’s Forum of The Neurological Society Of India (14-16 JUNE 2024)