

(Funded by Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India)

A Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Minimally Invasive Cardiovascular devices has been sanctioned by the Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India. This CoE is hosted by the Department of Medical Devices Engineering, at the Division of Artificial Internal Organs of the Biomedical Technology Wing of SCTIMST. The Division of Artificial Internal Organs focuses on the research and development of implantable medical devices, covering the entire life cycle from conceptualization to technology transfer, including empirical design, computer aided modelling, in-silico evaluation, fabrication, prototyping and functional evaluation. The technologies which have been already transferred and commercialized include the TTK Chitra Heart Valve and Hydrocephalus shunt. The technology for an improved prosthetic heart valve, coronary stent, ASD occluder, Aortic Stent Graft and Flow Diverter Stent are in various stages ranging from technology transfer, scale up, clinical studies,to commercialization.


1. Medical Device Technology: Ten cardiovascular devices that were identified along with the Hospital Wing are being developed such as TAVR, Thoracic ASG, Clot Retriever, Flow Modulator to name a few which will be developed to TRL5 and made ready for early technology transfer.

2. Infrastructure for design, in vitro evaluation and precision prototyping with particular emphasis on minimally invasive technology are being setup which includes laser micromachining, high performance simulation systems for in silico evaluation, and various other prototyping and test systems.

3. Human Resources: The CoE would also recruit and train several staff with qualifications of postgraduate in engineering / science and diploma holders for developing excellent quality medical devices.

The institute holds more than a hundred patents in medical devices and biomaterials. Within this, eleven Indian and four international patents are in the field of minimally invasive device technology. The CoE was conceived to further expand and employ the skills, strengths and IPR obtained during the development of four minimally invasive devices – Coronary Stent, ASD Occluder, Flow Diverter Stentand Aortic stent graft (for thoracic aorta).

It is supported by several faculties of the Department of Medical Device Engineering, as well as the Department of Applied Biology along with several clinical faculty from the Interventional Radiology, Interventional Cardiology, Cardiovascular Surgery, and Neurosurgery departments of the Hospital Wing.

The Institute invites:
• early association with interested Medical Device Industry to accelerate the development, translation and commercialization of these technologies.
• applications from qualified individuals to join the team at the posts advertised here.